As a visual presenter, you act as a storyteller that works in three different dimensions creating an environment that informs, inspires, and even persuades the potential customers.5-Styling/Visual Presentation:These two career options in the fashion industry are separate yet overlapping professions. PR representatives are charged with establishing a positive brand image to make them seem more appealing. So if you are someone who is fascinated by the glamour and charm of the fashion industry, make sure you dedicate yourself to establish a secured position with good earning.1-Fashion Merchandising:This is a faction of fashion industry where the design intersects with business.
When it comes to styling, networking with popular brands in the fashion industry while creating a fashionable image, is what this position requires.comEven if you are someone who never stitched a cloth or sketched a design, there is a career option for you in the fashion industry.4-Public Relations:PR is an important part of any industry that caters directly to the customers.
Do you still remember the time when the spinning mirrored ball, colorful lighted shows on illuminated dance floors got famous or men wearing white leisure suits with black shirts and gold chains? It was an era that got John Travolta famous for his most remembered role as Tony Manero. The platform shoes also made the disco dancer look longer and leaner. But do take note that female clothes made of leopard skin prints, stretch halter jumpsuits, white clothes will glow under the various light shows on wherever club or location you may be in.John Travolta and the Saturday Night Fever movie were reminiscent of the disco era. Most women have been utilizing things adapted from dance clothes in the present.
Disco and the Popular White Suit Remains to Be Mens CostumesEven today, disco costumes are still highly recognized in the costume industry. Clothes made of satin reflect the lights and mirrors and so they were always adored by both men and women. These costumes can be rented or bought by those who are attending a party or any other event that needs a costume. It was all because of Travoltas disposition and physical power which made him an idol in the costume world. On the other hand, gold lame blouses and skirts were also famous as disco wear and will surely be one of the best costume ideas. seamless pantiesThese should be your basis in coming up with the best disco-themed costumes